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mega mother’s day giveaway

Can we give a shout-out to all our moms? The ones who constantly put themselves second? The ones who bake us cookies when we’re feeling glum or overwhelmed? My own mamma is the most selfless person I know: mom + registered nurse = double whammy of putting others’ needs before her own.

But enough of that of mammas putting themselves second. Mother’s Day is coming so let’s shower them with love, flowers, brunch, phone calls instead of texts, and let them know how much they mean to us.

And guess what? I’ve teamed up with a slew of local businesses for a mega Mother’s Day giveaway!

mom, you’re the best

I’ve got a MEGA Mother’s Day prize worth nearly $1000 and your mamma can win it! Here’s what to do:

Use the Rafflecopter widget below to enter the giveaway:

Step 1: Click the widget to post a blog comment telling me about your awesome mamma and why she should win. Step 1 is mandatory!

Step 2: Use the widget to complete as many additional options as you like for bonus points!

we have a winner!

I was completely overwhelmed by your incredible nominations. Just wow. The stories of the moms in your lives - whether your own mamma, your grandma, or your wife, sister, or bestie who goes above and beyond for her family - were nothing short of amazing.

Several of your submissions, including the one below, had me in tears. This one landed in my email inbox because it was too lengthy to post in a blog comment, so I'm going to share it with you here. Kate, thank you for sharing this truly incredible tribute to your mother, and I've sent you an email to help you claim your prize. Boy is your mamma gonna be surprised this Mother's Day!

Everyone, get your hankies ready:

the winning mamma

"Hi there!

I saw your giveaway post on Instagram and immediately thought of my mom (obviously!)

My mom is an incredible woman - buckle up because this might be a long email!

My mom, Janet, had me when she was only 17. She had to drop out of high school to have me, and struggled as a young mother with my dad paying minimum child support. After waiting about a year, she returned to school and not only graduated, but became the valedictorian of her class. Unfortunately due to finances and limited time to herself, she was never able to continue her education.

My mom ended up working at McDonalds for several years where she met my now step-father. They both worked there and eventually hit it off. In working for minimum wage and having me, it was difficult for her to participate in the usual young adult milestones - dating, hanging out with friends, and travelling. She sacrificed so much for me. We had little money but my mom always tried her best to allow me to attend school field trips and take part in soccer and girl guides. In addition, my mom was my Sparks leader! Not only was she getting me out and socializing with my peers, but she was volunteering her time to run the group instead of sneaking off for a couple of hours for herself.

Eventually, Devin, my now stepfather, moved in and they dated for a while before he asked her to marry him. He asked her on Christmas one year when we were all opening gifts together. I think I must have been 6 or 7 at the time. Before asking her, he asked me if it was okay. For the struggle that she had already endured as a young woman let alone a young mom, Devin was a breath of fresh air. They began to plan their wedding.

Unfortunately, the year that they were planning on getting married, I was hit by an OC Transpo bus and sustained a compound fracture to my left humerus that nearly cost me my arm. It started a huge journey of surgeries and hospital trips. On July 10, 2000, my mom, my friend and I rode bikes to get lunch at Subway. When we were done, we headed home. At Fisher and Dynes I was struck by an 86 bus that was headed straight in a turning lane when I was only 8 years old. Obviously, my mom was unbelievably distraught. I had been hit right in front of her and she held me and comforted me as I didn't understand what was happening. The accident was so bad that 2 ambulances had arrived and my mom wasn't allowed in the one the brought me to the hospital. Since the accident, I have had over 35 surgeries and my mom has been present for every single one, and probably about 95% of follow up appointments regarding my arm. I was originally in the hospital for 10 days, and my mom stayed with me the entire time - even each night. Through all of my pain regarding my accident, my mom has been there to comfort and reassure me.

Mom and Devin got married about a year later, and due to the insecurities surrounding my arm, she bought me a bolero jacket to go over top of my flower girl dress because I was nervous of what people would think. A similar incident happened when she and I found my prom dress together - it was absolutely beautiful, but it just so happened to be sleeveless. My mom brought me and the dress to a tailor, who custom made me sleeves to add to the dress so that I would be comfortable. Of course she reassured that I didn't need to hide at all, but was incredibly supportive nonetheless.

A few years after the wedding, they had my sisters in 2004 and 2007. They bought their first house after renting for so many years, and things started to get much better. Both Devin and my mom ended up working in the government after years in retail, and then a few years ago moved again to another new home. My mom and stepfather have been giving every opportunity possible to my sisters, and it is absolutely wonderful. I was given the best that I could be when I was younger, and now that my parents are in a better position financially, my sisters have even more opportunities- but my mom is not less involved at all! In addition, my mom helped pay for more than half of my university tuition - an opportunity that she never even had. She wants us all to succeed immensely.

She has: coached one of my sisters' soccer teams; gone on countless field trips with them; was a sparks leader and then brownies leader before my sister changed to scouts; has been an active scouts mom with volunteering and fundraising opportunities (as Devin is already a scout leader); and countless little things that add up big time. She spends all her free time with family, and has even gotten another job here and there part time depending on whether they are saving for something big. A year and a bit ago, I even moved out with my boyfriend and, of course, mom was there to help me pack up and move, and check on me to make sure that I had everything I needed and wasn't struggling to make ends meet.

Unfortunately, mom does not take enough time for herself. She generally tries to save as much money as possible (couponing like a pro, etc...!) which generally goes to the family instead of pampering herself now and then. I believe she has been to a hair studio less times than the fingers on one hand, because she always finds places like First Choice to go to - and even then, it's maybe once a year or two. She 100% deserves to be pampered, and I'm really hoping you ladies can help me with that. Nothing will amount to a thank you big enough for her, but a package like this would mean a lot to her - and it would give her time to relax and take a break from everything!!

I don't think this email covers a few grains of sand in an hourglass in comparison to how much she does for others but not herself. I hope it's enough to give you an overview of the incredible, selfless woman she is, and to help me in giving her a wonderful treat for herself!

Thanks so much for the consideration and all the best,


Wow. Wow, wow, wow. Kate, thank you for taking the time to share such an honest and beautiful story, one that's equal parts heartwarming and heartbreaking. Your mom sounds like a truly incredible woman and I hope she enjoys her prize. Happy Mother's Day!

mom's mega prize:

Since mom will be visiting many of these local businesses to enjoy her prizes, she either needs to be local to Ottawa, or visiting you if you're local to Ottawa.

© 2025 amy in 613: ottawa, etc.

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