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what's in a laugh? (giveaway)

We laugh for all sorts of reasons, don't we? From a nervous chuckle in answer to a bad joke, to a full-on belly laugh when something truly cracks us up. This week a new dance production called AH/HA debuts at the National Arts Centre, and its whole purpose is to explore laughter through movement. And I'm giving away tickets!

The show runs from Thursday October 6 to Saturday October 8, with tickets starting at just $31 each. It's being held in the NAC's Studio, an intimate venue with seating for just under 300 people. That means every seat is a great seat!

Created by Flemish choreographer Lisbeth Gruwez, AH/HA uses five contemporary dancers (including Lisbeth herself) to explore and embody laughter. I've learned this choreographer is quickly emerging as an original and respected talent in contemporary dance, so it's quite a coup to get her here in Ottawa. And especially for three nights.

Lisbeth's style certainly pushes the boundaries of what we're accustomed to seeing on the stage here in our little town, so I hope some culture-loving Ottawans come out to support the show. Whether you love experimental dance or just enjoy the surprise of something new, grab a ticket and come join me at the NAC! I'm going to this Thursday's performance so please be sure to say hello if you see me there :)


If you're between the ages of 13-29, you can score an even better deal on tickets to AH/HA. At 10:00am on the day of each performance, tickets will go on sale for just $15 each as part of the NAC's Live Rush program. Simply show proof of age and you're all set! You don't have to be a student (big change this year) and you can buy up to two tickets.

win tickets to ah/ha

Want to win your way in? I'm giving away a pair of tickets to AH/HA! The winner can choose to attend any of the three performances: October 6, 7, or 8, at 8:00pm. Enter using the Rafflecopter widget below and the more actions you complete, the more times your name goes into the hat.

This is a flash giveaway so enter by this Tuesday at 11:59pm and I'll announce the winner on Wednesday! As they say on the stage, break a leg :)

Photos by Michel Petit (photo 1) and Luc Depreitere (photos 2 and 3)

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