Are you a fan of beauty boxes? Those lovely little packages that let you try oodles of luxe beauty goodies for a fraction of the regular price? Me too.
And like me you've probably been frustrated by how many of them have closed up shop in Canada, or others who won't let you buy the full-sized products from their US-based web stores. LAME. But that's about to change.

Enter Scarlet & Julia, a Canadian company that's been my go-to place for beauty since I found them last year. They carry favourites like Stila, CARGO, and Lipstick Queen, plus niche French brands that are all but impossible to find elsewhere.
And just yesterday they launched their very first beauty box! I was lucky enough to try it last week, and oh boy are you gonna love it. Here's the rundown: for $25 you'll receive $125 in luxurious beauty products, plus a $10 gift card AND free shipping. For real.
the scarlet & Julia summer beauty box
Here's what's in the box!
Quantities are extremely limited so snap one up while you can. I'm betting they'll sell out in a matter of days. But..... I've got one to give away!
win the summer beauty box
That's right folks, I'm giving away one of these luxe Scarlet & Julia beauty boxes valued at $125! This is a 24-hour flash giveaway so HOP TO IT.
Enter using the Rafflecopter widget below and I'll announce a winner Thursday morning. This contest is open across Canada! All my Rafflecopter entries are optional, so enter as many ways as you like. The more entries you submit, the more ballots you get, the better your chances of winning. :) Good luck!