Pop quiz: what are your yoga pants made of? Lycra? Spandex? Some other stretchy nylon blend? Fair enough. Not mine though, mine are made of pop bottles.
Yup, pop bottles. They're made by an innovative Canadian company called Inner Fire, based out in Vancouver. They realized that plastic bottles destined for landfill or the melting pot could be turned into a strong, smooth, stretchy fabric. Fabric that was perfectly suited for yoga wear.
Genius, right? Plus every single pair is made in Canada so they're entirely sweatshop-free.
You can shop Inner Fire on their beautiful website, on Amazon.com, or on Amazon.ca, and save 15% with promo code AmyKar15. Yup, the code works on all three sites!
Happy shopping! If you decide to order a pair, I'd love to see pics. Their prints are so gosh darn pretty! Do you have a favourite pair of yoga pants? What do you love about them? Tell me below in the comments!
Inner Fire was founded by yoga teacher and artist, Leah Emmott. In late 2011, Leah underwent emergency surgery for an ovarian cyst that had grown to the size of a grapefruit. My goodness. After the surgery, she was ordered to take an entire month off from her job as a yoga teacher and fitness instructor. Talk about your life being turned upside-down in the blink of an eye.
But Leah stayed positive and used her down time to get creative. Since she was stuck at home, she figured she might as well make some Christmas gifts for her friends. So she dusted off her sewing machine and started making meditation cushions for her fellow yogis. She gave them to her pals, who immediately told her she should be selling them.

She decided if she was going to sell something, it better have a name. "Inner Fire" popped into her head because she felt like the cyst in her belly had been replaced by an internal fire yogis believe helps you to live out your passions.
Since then, Inner Fire has grown into a complete yoga wear company with whimsical screen printed tops, athletic tanks, and gorgeous leggings, capris, and shorts. They've even launched a few pieces for men! Leah still designs all the prints herself and is the art director for every collection.

I've been a fan of Inner Fire ever since my sis gave me a pair two Christmases ago (thanks, sis!). Despite my sizeable collection of yoga pants, I reach for these over and over again because of the beautiful prints, the silky smooth fabric, and the comfortable high waist-band that stays put (no muffin top, even in twists and inversions).
And I've got an exciting bit of news...
Inner Fire just named me a brand ambassador! That's right: yours truly is now an Inner Fire Luminary, I can hardly believe it. Here's my brand new bio on their site! This totally caught me by surprise because while I am a longtime practitioner, I'm not a yoga teacher. But I'm gobsmacked and honoured to collaborate with this incredible Canadian company that:
1) is run by a total #GIRLBOSS,
2) respects the environment, and
3) respects the human beings making their garments.
Please let me know if you give 'em a try, I'd love to hear your thoughts!