Love caffeine? I know, silly question. Don't we all? Next Wednesday hustle on over to Art-Is-In Bakery for a friendly competition they're cohosting with Equator Coffee Roasters: Ottawa's first (that I know of) latte art throwdown. Yup.
The best baristas from all over our fair city will face off in a test of courage and caffeine to make you the prettiest lattes you've ever laid eyes on. Throughout the night there'll be local live music by Trails, the George & Gab guitar duo, DJ Geof Brown, and Body & Soul, and given that this is going down at Art-Is-In I'd say you can expect some damn fine comestibles too.
All the pertinent deets:
Not too familiar with latte art? Here are some sweet Instagram accounts from baristas all over the world doing some pretty impressive stuff: @ben_morrow, @jibbilittle, @madz_duck, @coffeestation_latteart.
See you there next Wednesday night for the throwdown. Ottawa baristas, you better get ready cause in the words of LL Cool J, mama said knock you out!

Photo by @ben_morrow, go follow him!