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let love in with mala rae (giveaway)

A while back I was moseying out of yoga class when I noticed a collection of necklaces and bracelets in the studio's boutique. They appeared to be semi-precious stones and each had a different attribute, like peace, compassion, and acceptance. I asked one of the yoga teachers about them and she explained they were called malas: a necklace that helps the wearer remember a specific intention, like acceptance.

I noticed the little tag said "MalaRae", and I immediately took to Instagram to look her up. Her feed was brimming with beautiful necklaces and bracelets, yogis, and uplifing messages. I dropped her a line to tell her how much I adored her collection, and we've been chatting since then. She graciously offered up a mala for a giveaway, so be sure to read all the way to the end!

Folks, meet owner and designer of MalaRae, Kyla Miller:

Q1: Hi Kyla! Tell me a bit about yourself. Are you from the Ottawa area originally?

I truly love Ottawa, but I am originally from Prince Edward Island. The island has a special place in my heart and I love going back to visit. There is nothing like a sandy beach and salty sea air to bring me to center and renew my energy. I lived in Ottawa for 6 wonderful years, but when it came time for my husband and I to buy our first home, we found a lovely property in Cantley, QC surrounded by trees and wildlife. I love the city, but it is so nice to come home to a peaceful and serene environment.

Q2: And what does MalaRae mean?

It’s simple really. We’re all about malas and Rae is my middle name. I also love the play on words between Rae and Ray. I look at malas like rays of sunshine that are beaming out and touching those who need them.

MalaRae Let Love In Collection: Acceptance Mala

Q3: What led you to start creating malas? Have you always been an artist?

To be completely honest, I’ve never really considered myself to be an artist; drawing, painting and singing were never in my repertoire of talents. For me, it was a regular meditation practice that opened my heart to the creative process. I was introduced to malas and began using them as an aid to really focus my meditation practice. When I began making malas, it was literally like a switch was turned on. I had never made them before, no one showed me how, I just knew. I began making them for myself, then giving them as gifts, and now here we are.

Q4: Many of us are familiar with yoga but aren’t so familiar with malas. What exactly is a mala and who can wear one? Are they only for yoga teachers and serious practioners?

Mala is the Sanskrit word for garland. It’s a traditional necklace used as a meditation tool to focus the mind while chanting, reciting or silently repeating a mantra. This being said, you do not have to be religious or a meditation guru to wear and enjoy malas. They can be worn by anyone, especially those of us who are seeking a calmer mind, body and spirit. Some wear them in meditation, or for the energetic qualities of the gemstones and others simply wear them because they fall in love with the look and feel of them. Whatever the reason, if they make you feel something, anything, then they are doing what they are meant to do.

MalaRae Let Love In Collection: Love Mala

Q5: Can I wear my mala off the mat too? And can I switch them up or is it best to have just one?

Your mala is whatever you want it to be! There may be traditionalists that disagree with me, but I personally believe that rigidity and strict rules only hold us back from listening within and finding our own way. You will most likely be naturally drawn to specific malas over others; and this may change as often as you change. When we are drawn to a specific mala, it is generally because we need what it can provide to us in that moment. As you can imagine, this can change from day to day; so allow yourself to move on from a mala and choose another one if it is calling you.

As you may correctly assume, I have a bit of a mala obsession. I have a wall of malas that I get to choose from every day. So I definitely have more than one single mala that I focus on. There are some that I am drawn to more than others for meditation purposes and others that I choose to wear simply because they make feel good or match my outfit for the day. Whichever mala I choose, I use it in my morning meditation practice so that I carry those intentions with me throughout the day.

MalaRae Let Love In Collection: Trust Bracelet

Q6: Tell me about your new Let Love In collection, what inspired you to create it?

The Let Love In collection is {you guessed it} all about love! I wanted to create a collection of malas that reminded us that we are love, that we are all worthy of love, and have easy access to it as long as we are open to receiving it; whether it be self-love, nature’s love or love from the relationships in our lives.

The gemstones I’ve chosen for the Let Love In collection are known to bring self-acceptance, positivity and harmony, as well as protection, trust and patience. The collection is designed to open and protect our heart chakra so that we can love ourselves fully, attract the love we deserve and release that love back out to others.

Letting Love In means loving without fear, letting go and trusting that what comes next is exactly what we need.

MalaRae Let Love In Collection: Harmony Mala

Q7: What’s next for MalaRae?

At the moment, we've launched the “#iheartu Giveaway” just in time for Valentine’s Day. WIN any 1 mala OR 4 bracelets from the Let Love In collection by participating in the contest between January 27th - February 2nd 2016. To find out how to enter, visit the MalaRae site!

We are also extremely honored to be a part of City of OM this coming June 4th at Ottawa’s Lansdowne Park. City of OM is a yoga festival that will feature a full day of outdoor yoga classes to suit all levels, with live music, food vendors and local artisans... like MalaRae! In addition, we’ve partnered with City of OM to design a signature bracelet that represents the 5 key values of the event, which are: Community, Sustainability, Ethics, Love and Gratitude. One dollar from each bracelet will be donated to the charities being supported by the event. Tickets and bracelets go on pre-sale February 26th, 2016. If you make it to the event, and we really hope you do, please stop by our booth! If you mention, Amyin613, receive 10% off any purchase.

And finally, we are currently seeking MalaRae ambassadors. If you know of someone, or you yourself are passionate about malas, please visit our ambassador webpage and fill in an application. We would love for you to join our team.

MalaRae Let Love In Collection: Acceptance Bracelet

So there you have it! Lately I've been wearing MalaRae's bright white Acceptance mala when I'm practicing yoga or just when I need a gentle reminder to accept and move on. Even though personally I don't really meditate, as someone who generally does a million things at once, I find my necklace is a helpful physical reminder of the intention that goes along with it. If I'm flustered or preoccupied with something (or someone), a quick glance down rememinds me of what I'd intended to do: accept, move on. And sometimes it's self-acceptance I need to work on: accept me, move on. I love that Kyla makes each design so personal, I can certainly see why she's got a whole wall to choose from.

Want to win a mala for yourself? Sure you do! Here's how to enter in just a few quick steps:



1. Like MalaRae and Amy in 613 on Facebook.

2. Visit MalaRae's site then post a blog comment below telling me which mala speaks to you the most.


3. Post an Instagram pic of your favourite mala and tag @amyin613 and @mala.rae. Get double points if you add #LetLoveIn.

4. Tweet your favourite mala and tag @mala_rae and @amyin613. Get double points if you also tag it with #LetLoveIn.

5. Share this link on Facebook and tag the Amy in 613 Facebook page in your post.

Contest closes at 4:00pm on Wednesday February 3, 2016, and the winner can pick the mala of their choice.

Good luck!


WE HAVE A WINNER! Congratulations Tara Chaisson, you've won the mala of your choice from MalaRae. Please send me a quick note with your email address and I'll hook you up!

Thanks to all of you who took the time to enter, go have a peek at MalaRae's site if you want to do some shopping. :)


© 2025 amy in 613: ottawa, etc.

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