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your local guide to glasses
I've worn glasses since the 90s and most of them never fit me properly -- til I started going to Eyemaxx. I bet lots of you have struggl

eyemaxx optical studio: my new glasses! (part iii)
As all of you know, a few weeks back I stumbled upon a locally owned small business called EyeMaxx Optical Studio, located on Elgin...

eyemaxx optical studio: help me pick my glasses! (part ii)
Hi again everyone! Eariler this week I introduced you to EyeMaxx Optical Studio, after they seriously impressed me on my first visit to...

eyemaxx optical studio (part i)
This post is the first of a three-part series on EyeMaxx Optical Studio, a locally-owned glasses boutique in downtown Ottawa. I'm trying...

sneak peek: iron north fitness
I hadn't planned on doing a post this weekend, but today I tried a class at Iron North Fitness (my first time!) and I *HAD* to share a...
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