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new years eve on the town: two six ate (giveaway)
Earlier this week I launched a New Year's Eve giveaway for the homebodies so be sure to enter if you fancy a night in. But as promised,...

win a mini shopping spree at milk shop! (giveaway)
Surprise!! I've got a quick Saturday post for ya! This week I was chatting with the gals at Milk Shop in the Byward Market (hi Inaas!),...

the #613giftguide: get them entries in! (giveaway)
Oodles of you have already entered by #613giftguide giveaways and to those of you who haven't yet, here's the scoop! I've got two...

more 613 under the tree (giveaway)
Wowza. I thought you guys would be into my #613giftguide but HOLY SMOKES. On Friday alone over 1000 of you visited, and the...

some 613 under the tree (giveaway)
Oh my gosh you guys. For the past six weeks I've been working on an all-local, all-awesome gift guide, and I finally get to share it with...

partying with strut jewelry (giveaway)
Today I'm super stoked to introduce you to one of my favourite local designers, Alyssa Spaxman of Strut Jewelry. Alyssa is a straight up...

quirky modern design by warehouse co. (giveaway)
Hi all! I've got a neat one for you today. Say hello to a cool Ottawa company called Warehouse, makers of nifty stuff for your...

moving on up at the upkeep shoppe (giveaway)
The Upkeep Shoppe has been one of my favourite spots in Ottawa for ages, since even before they opened. Let me tell you how. In the...

talking tea with leaf & petal (giveaway)
Today I'm so excited to introduce you to a brand new Ottawa business. In fact, it's so brand new that it doesn't officially launch til...

local groceries delivered to your doorstep (giveaway)
Hands up if you hate doing groceries. If you get road rage pushing your shopping cart through the aisles. If you've ever voluntarily...
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