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shop for a cause this christmas
GUYS. I am so pumped to share this with you. Y'all were fans of my Friends & Family deal with The Body Shop so I'm bringing it back,...

holiday tea time (giveaway)
During this busy season there are few things I enjoy more than curling up on the couch with a blanket, a cat, and a cup of tea. So cozy...

canuck gifts at drake general store (reader deal)
This week I popped by Drake General Store to get a jump on my Christmas shopping, and boy oh boy, do I have a deal for you. Now through...

a merry little christmas & egg nog wishes (recipe)
I want to take a moment to wish you the merriest of Christmases. To the nearly 20,000 of you incredible readers who've been following...

more 613 under the tree (giveaway)
Wowza. I thought you guys would be into my #613giftguide but HOLY SMOKES. On Friday alone over 1000 of you visited, and the...

some 613 under the tree (giveaway)
Oh my gosh you guys. For the past six weeks I've been working on an all-local, all-awesome gift guide, and I finally get to share it with...

handmade for the holidays (giveaway)
Earlier this fall I was lucky enough to meet an incredible woman named Amanda Cockburn, AKA The Freewheeling Curator. She'd reached out...

scarlet and julia: your online beauty emporium (giveaway)
Recently I stumbed on site called Scarlet & Julia, a new Canadian beauty e-tailer out of Montreal. I was super impressed that this...
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